Eastern International College’s eLearning Platform with Canvas
Students can access Eastern International College’s online eLearning platform, Canvas, for their courses that have an online component.
Students, Faculty, and Staff
Your Full Username should be in the format:
- As a friendly reminder, Eastern International College’s IT Department will never send an email asking students, faculty or staff to click on a link to a non-EIC website and enter their username/email address and password.
- If you ever have questions about an email that asks for your credentials, you can contact e-mail support@eicollege.edu or call the IT Department to verify the email’s authenticity.
Technology Support and Requirements: Resources for Online Students
Online students are required to meet technology prerequisites.
As the essence of an online delivery program is the ability to participate virtually, there are certain technological requirements that are prerequisites for students’ participation in online coursework. Students need to confirm their ability to have access to specific hardware, software, and network requirements to enroll in online classes. Students not able to fulfill these requirements will not be able to succeed in an online format. Requirements include:
- Desktop or laptop computer (Surface, iPads and other tablets are not acceptable)
- Broadband Internet access (above 5 Mbps required)
- Up-to-date virus protection software
- Webcam (most laptops have built-in webcams)
- Headset with microphone
Important Note: Students must have full administrator access to their computer. This means that students may not be able to use a company provided computer as they often restrict some aspect of the computer system necessary for online operations.
In addition to the above requirements, it is strongly recommended to follow the guidelines below:
Minimum Hardware Recommendations
- Intel processor i5 or higher or similar
- 14.1″ Widescreen Display
- Memory – 8.0GB
- 1 GB Video
- 160GB+ Hard Drive
- 802.11a/g/– Wireless
Minimum Software Recommendations
- Operating system – Windows 10 or higher – (English Language Version)
- Fully Functioning Anti-Virus Defense
- MS Office
- Google Suite (course dependent)
For student or staff support, please contact support@eicollege.edu
Online Instruction and Courses Information for COVID-19 Pandemic Safety
1. In moving to an online format, instructors are delivering course content and communication to you via Canvas.
Students need to be able to access their EIC email and Canvas at eicollege.instructure.com In Canvas, you will receive instruction on your courses, specifically:
- What to do- including joining your didactic lectures at the usual scheduled time;
- How faculty wants you to do your work (including assignments and tests)
- How to submit this work to faculty in Canvas
- How faculty will give you feedback on your work
Faculty and students should use Canvas as the tool for these exchanges and to deliver:
- Course materials (not via email)
- Go to eicollege.instructure.com
- Log in using Google email and password
All courses already have a course presence.
- In order to be able to do this, students and faculty need to be able to log into devices at home. While students can connect to lectures via their mobile phone, it is recommended to submit assignments with a laptop or desktop computer.
2. Lectures will be delivered synchronously (using Google Meet). Lectures will be given at the same time classes are held using a video link that students will be able to connect to from home. Please note that it is not possible to access Google hangouts directly from Canvas using a mobile. Students should copy the Google Meet link url from Canvas and use Chrome to open the link.
Students are expected to sign in using the video link to allow for the camera to be turned on and screen sharing to occur. Faculty will share their screen to allow students to see Power points and other related material.
3. Assigning and Collecting work online
- Students can submit work in Canvas.
4. Discussion Boards
- Student-to-Student Communication
One way in which students can informally support each other in their learning is through discussion boards. Faculty will set these up for students to ask questions.
Recommendation: Students ask each other questions and provide each other support on the discussion boards.
6. Grades
Students can see their grades from submitted assessed work by clicking on the Grades tab.
7. Student Support
- Virtual office hours or
- Answer any questions asynchronously or in one-on-one appointments via phone or video chat
8. Technical Support
- Canvas support is available 24/ 7 via phone or chat
- Canvas Support Hotline (Students)
- 1 (877) 875-6340
- Access Canvas Help More information when you are signed into Canvas
9. EIC IT support, please use support@eicollege.edu
When communicating online, you should always:
- Treat your instructor(s) and fellow classmates with respect in email, online discussions or in any other online communication.
- Always use your professor’s proper title: Dr. or Prof., or if you are in doubt use Mr. or Ms.
- Unless specifically invited, don’t refer to them by their first name. Some will be OK called “Bob” and others will expect to be “Dr. Smith”.
- Use clear and concise language. Be respectful of readers’ time and attention.
- Remember that all college level communication should have correct spelling and grammar.
- Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you”.
- Use standard fonts that are optimized for online reading (e.g., sans serif) along with a consistent and readable size (12 or 14 pt.)
- Avoid using the caps lock feature AS IT CAN BE INTERPRETED AS YELLING.
- Limit and possibly avoid the use of emoticons. Not everyone interprets them in the same way.
- Always be respectful of other students’’ opinions even when they differ from your own. When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful, non-critical way. (Do not make personal or insulting remarks.)
- Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm as your tone is sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and your message might be taken literally or offensively.
- Be careful sharing personal information online (both yours and others).
- If you are in a healthcare course, follow HIPPA guidelines, including not sending confidential patient information via e-mail or posting online.