Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Eastern International College considers academic integrity to be essential to its core values of educating students to be ethical and skilled persons dedicated to success in their careers. By enrolling at EIC, students agree to adhere to high standards of academic integrity. Failure to comply with these standards may result in academic and disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from Eastern International College. Some examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
- The use of another person’s ideas, work, or information without appropriate citations and references.
- Cutting and pasting text or data from the Internet or other sources without citing the source of the information.
- Cheating on a test, quiz, or examination.
- Unauthorized use of notes, calculators, books, phones, tablets, computers, or other electronic devices during an examination or quiz.
- Submission of an assignment completed by someone else, including commercial essay or term paper companies.
- Altering or falsifying academic records
- Submission of the same work for different assignments or for more than one class without advance permission of the instructor.
- Assisting other students in any breach of academic integrity, including allowing other students to copy answers to any exam or assignment, or providing work to someone else to submit as their own.
- If a student is uncertain or unclear about an issue of academic integrity, he or she should speak with the faculty member to resolve questions or concerns prior to the submission of the assignment.