Online Instruction and Courses Information for COVID-19 Pandemic Safety

1. In moving to an online format, instructors are delivering course content and communication to you via Canvas. 

Students need to be able to access their EIC email and Canvas at In Canvas, you will receive instruction on your courses, specifically:

Faculty and students should use Canvas as the tool for these exchanges and to deliver:

All courses already have a course presence. 

2. Lectures will be delivered synchronously (using Google Meet).  Lectures will be given at the same time classes are held using a video link that students will be able to connect to from home. Please note that it is not possible to access Google hangouts directly from Canvas using a mobile. Students should copy the Google Meet link url from Canvas and use Chrome to open the link.

Students are expected to sign in using the video link to allow for the camera to be turned on and screen sharing to occur. Faculty will share their screen to allow students to see Power points and other related material.

3. Assigning and Collecting work online  

4. Discussion Boards 

One way in which students can informally support each other in their learning is through discussion boards. Faculty will set these up for students to ask questions. 

Recommendation: Students ask each other questions and provide each other support on the discussion boards.

6. Grades 

Students can see their grades from submitted assessed work by clicking on the Grades tab. 

7. Student Support 

8. Technical Support

9. EIC IT support, please use 



When communicating online, you should always: